Variables in Unix/Linux Shell
In Unix/Linux(Shell), there are two types of variable:
1) System variables :
Some of the important System variables are as following:
Note :Some of the above settings can be different in your Unix/Linux environment as per your system.
You can print any of the above variables contains as follows:
$ echo $USERNAME
2) User defined variables :
To process our data/information, data must be kept in computers RAM memory. RAM memory is divided into small locations, and each location had unique number called memory location/address, which is used to hold our data. Programmer can give a unique name to this memory location/address called memory variable or variable (Its a named storage location that may take different values, but only one at a time).
In Unix/Linux(Shell), there are two types of variable:
1) System variables :
Created and maintained by Linux itself. This type of variable defined in CAPITAL LETTERS.
You can see system variables by giving command like $ set, There is a long list of system variable
so if you interested to see all the system variable then you should redirect the all system variable
into a text file by using command as "set > systemVariable.txt". Now check systemVariable.txt in
your current directory.
Some of the important System variables are as following:
System Variable | Description |
BASH=/bin/bash | System Shell Name |
BASH_VERSION=4.2.25(1)-release | System Shell Version Name |
COLUMNS=80 | Number of Column for your screen |
LINES=34 | Number of Lines for your screen |
HOME=/home/mukesh | Your Shell's Home Directory |
LOGNAME=mukesh | Logging Name of Current System |
OSTYPE=Linux | Our Operating System Type |
PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin | Our System's Path Setting |
PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ | Our Prompt Settings |
SHELL=/bin/bash | Our Shell Name |
PWD=/home/mukesh/Documents | Our Current Working Directory |
USERNAME=mukesh | Username who is currently log in into system |
Note :Some of the above settings can be different in your Unix/Linux environment as per your system.
You can print any of the above variables contains as follows:
$ echo $USERNAME
2) User defined variables :
- Created and maintained by user. This type of variable defined in lower letters.
- User-defined variable can be assigned a value.
- The value of a named variable can be retrieved by preceding the variable name with a ‘$’ sign
- Used extensively in shell-scripts.
- Used for reading data, storing and displaying it.
- To accept input data from user you can use read command.
- In shell scripts , read is used for accepting data from the user and storing it for other processing.
- Example : $ read yourname
Accepting Data and Displaying It on Screen:
Type command "read yourname" and hit enter. Type your name and hit enter again. So now your name has been stored into user defined varaible name yourname.
Displaying Value:
To display the value you can use the echo command.
So to display your name which you have stored into a variable yourname type the following command.
echo $yourname